Please note that the Museum will be closed to the public on Saturday, April 5, 2025 for a private event.

Support FAM

Ways to Support and Get Involved...

Join the vibrant community of Fresno Art Museum supporters and partner with us in bringing high-quality exhibitions and education programs to our community. There are a variety of ways to support the Museum by giving through one of the opportunities below:

FAM plays an important role in Fresno and across the Central San Joaquin Valley as arts educator, presenter, and a repository for the artistic treasures of one of the fastest growing and most diverse areas of California. As a non-profit organization, our exhibitions and educational programs are made possible with support from people like you who love our community and care about arts and culture. By making a contribution to FAM, you'll enjoy enhanced access to our programs and exhibitions while supporting a vital and vibrant community resource.

Members and supporters enjoy exclusive benefits and opportunities, and there are many ways to give at any level that is comfortable for you. Click here to look at the various membership levels, from individual to corporate.

Annual Fund
The Annual Fund provides the Museum with essential operating support. Annual Fund Drives are usually held in May and June, at the end of FAM's fiscal year, and in November and December. Your tax-deductible donation helps make possible everything we do, from exhibitions to art workshops, lectures to public programs, educational programs, outreach, and community events. Learn more by clicking here.

Underwriting & Sponsorships
Individuals or businesses can choose to directly underwrite an exhibition season (usually four to five exhibitions), a specific exhibition, an education program, Family Day, or a special event. Underwriters enjoy a variety of benefits that engage them with the art and our visitors and donors. For more information about underwriting opportunities, please click on one of the links in this paragraph or contact our Executive Director and Chief Curator Michele Ellis Pracy at 559.441.4221 x103. 

Matching Gifts
Many companies sponsor such programs for their employees so you may be able to double your gift to the Fresno Art Museum. Please check with the Human Resources Department for your employer.

Gifts of Appreciated Securities
The Fresno Art Museum encourages such gifts, which are fully tax-deductible to the donor at their appreciated value. To transfer a gift of stock, call Michele Ellis Pracy at 559.441.4221 x103, FAM Executive Director to discuss options and to be connected with our broker.

Bequests and Legacies
Please consider the Fresno Art Museum in your long-term planning. Planned gifts help us to meet immediate, as well as long-term goals. The Museum is also grateful to be named a beneficiary of a trust or will, or of a life insurance policy. Such charitable gifts are fully deductible by the donor’s estate.

To make or discuss your donation, please call 559-441-4221 x 103 or e-mail Michele Ellis Pracy, Executive Director. 

The Fresno Art Museum’s EIN/Tax ID# is 94-1358318.
GuideStar, the organization that rates non-profit organizations as to their transparency, rates FAM at the Platinum Level, the highest level, and awards us a Platinum Candid Seal.

We encourage multi-year pledges and other forms of deductible donations.

Donate Objects
The Fresno Art Museum holds and trusts a Permanent Collection of art including Modern and Contemporary art, emphasizing the work of California artists of regional, national, and international significance, as well as Latin American art from Ancient Mesoamerica to the Central Andes which spans more than 2500 years.

We welcome gifts of art that fit within our collecting parameters from our community every year. However, because of limitations of staff, physical space, and finances, it is neither feasible nor ethical for the Museum to collect indiscriminately. The Museum, therefore, subscribes to a policy of selective acquisitions

We cannot accept walk-in or drop-off donations or make same-day appointments.

In accordance with the existing cultural property statutes and in adherence to national standards and best practices, the Fresno Art Museum will only accept as gift, purchase, or by other means acquire objects classified as Mesoamerican and/or ancient Andean if the artifact can be proven to be obtained legally, with provenance detailing past ownership, when the artifact was imported to the United States, Proof of Purchase, and Proof of Authenticity. If a donor/seller cannot provide provenance, the Fresno Art Museum reserves the right to not move forward with the acquisition of said artifact, as neither clear title nor legality of possession can be established.

If you have work(s) you believe would enhance our Permanent Collection and fit within the collecting guidelines listed above please contact our registrar Lexie Sellick by email at You may send her images, dimensions, media, and all information known pertaining to the work(s) of art intended for donation.