We reopen to the public on Saturday, February 8, 2025. Plan your visit!

Visitor Information

General Visitor Guidelines

  • Photography
    Photography/videography is allowed for personal, non-commercial use (except where indicated). No flashes, tripods, or selfie sticks.
  • Food and Drink
    Eating and drinking are not allowed in the galleries but are allowed outside in the Sculpture Garden. Sealed food and drink containers are allowed if they are packed away inside a bag. Please clean up after yourself and dispose of all trash in receptacles provided in the Sculpture Garden.
  • Smoking
    NO Smoking any tobacco or other product, including smokeless devices, inside the Museum or in an outdoor area within 20 feet of a main exit or entrance of the Museum.
  • Infant Feeding
    We welcome breastfeeding and bottle-feeding in all spaces. The Museum does not provide any dedicated spaces for feeding. Please ask at the front desk for recommended areas or use our Sculpture Garden, weather permitting.
  • Strollers
    Strollers are allowed unless otherwise noted for specific exhibitions.
  • Children Aged 12 and Under
    All children 12 and under must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times. No exceptions.
  • Coat Check
    For safety reasons during COVID-19 we do not have a coat check available. We advise that you lock oversized bags, backpacks, umbrellas, coats, valuables, etc. out of plain sight in your vehicle or leave them at home.
  • Lost and Found
    For all things lost or found while you are at FAM, ask any staff member on the museum floor. If you need to contact us about lost items after your visit, please call 559.441.4221.
  • Backpacks & Large Bags
    Backpacks may not be worn on your back; they must be carried by hand (below the waist) or worn on the front of your body at all times. This includes baby carriers. Large bags over 15” x 15” are not allowed in the galleries.
  • Umbrellas
    Umbrellas may not be carried in the galleries. Please place them in your purse or bag or leave them in your vehicle.
  • Pens
    The use of all pens and any other writing/drawing/marking implement that may be used to mark and/or deface FAM property are strictly prohibited in the galleries (i.e. where art is on display). If making notes is necessary, please use a pencil. (Please call ahead of time if you wish to work with art supplies such as charcoal, watercolors, etc.). Possession of spray cans is prohibited in any area of the Museum.
  • Parking
    Parking is free in the City owned lots in the front and back of the building and on the side streets near the Museum. There are four electric car charging plugs offered for free by the City for charging for up to four hours located in the front parking lot.
  • The Museum Store
    We may limit the number of persons admitted to our store. Our staff will continuously disinfect high-touch areas. We also have installed a new touchless payment system to further safeguard you when you make any purchases. All purchases are final. Our store is also online for curbside pickup.
  • Art Barriers
    Art safety barriers are not to be violated. Please honor all art safety barriers and maintain a distance of at least 18 inches from all artwork.
  • Animals
    Animals are not permitted at FAM. The only exception is for service animals on a leash and under their owner’s control as authorized by applicable law.
  • Noise
    Disruptive noise is prohibited. Visitors with electronic/sound-producing devices (including but not limited to cellular phones, PDAs, Game Boys, etc.) will be asked to turn the volume down or to use personal headphones.
  • Protests
    The interior of the Museum is not a public forum and is not designated for use for protests, rallies, petition signature gathering, or other similar activities.
  • Weapons
    The use or possession of any type of weapon or explosives is strictly prohibited.
  • Grounds for Immediate Ejection from FA
    The following are prohibited and grounds for immediate ejection from FAM:
    • Refusal to follow directions from FAM staff and security.
    • Use of profanity and/or engaging in rude, inconsiderate, or abusive behavior.
    • Blocking Museum areas, including any entrance areas, entrance steps, platforms, gallery spaces, or otherwise interfering with the free flow of pedestrian traffic in and around the Museum.
    • Littering on Museum property including entrance area, garden, front plaza, and any surrounding areas.
    • Petition signature gathering or leafletting activities in any Museum area, including any entrance area.
    • Smoking any tobacco or other product, including smokeless devices, inside the Museum or in an outdoor area within 20 feet of a main exit or entrance to the Museum.
    • Excessive intoxication while on FAM’s premises.
    • Possession, use, and/or being under the influence of controlled substances while on FAM’s premises is strictly prohibited, except as authorized by physician prescription.
    • Creating a physically offensive condition, including disturbing odors or infested clothing or personal effects.
    • Lack of clothing covering the upper and lower body; lack of shoes or other footwear.
    • Consumption of food or beverages except in the Sculpture Garden.
    • Unauthorized entry into controlled or restricted areas.
    • Repeated violation of art safety barriers.
    • Failure to maintain control of minor children.
    • Actual or attempted misappropriation of and/or damage to FAM property.
  • In addition to the above, any behavior or activity that disrupts the safe or orderly use of the Museum or that affects the staff’s ability to provide services is prohibited.