Please note that the Museum will be closed to the public on Saturday, April 5, 2025 for a private event.

FAMily Day is Your Day!

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What is FAMIly Day all about?
FAMily Day is FAM's day to give back to our community! It is always free!
It's a day at the Museum where families are invited to explore the galleries on their own, go on an art treasure hunt for a prize for the children, and create art with our teaching artist staff in our classroom. We also often have storytime with the Fresno County Public Library and have musical guests or other performers entertain. During the December FAMily Day, we always have a visit from Mr. & Mrs. Claus for a great picture opportunity. We also like to have family-friendly food available for purchase.


2025 FAMily Day events are sponsored by:


Just a few things to keep your families and our artwork safe during FAMily Day:
  • We ask that children five and under have at least one adult for every two children and they must hold hands with their adult, be in a stroller, or be under the watchful eye of an adult while in the galleries as some of the exhibitions are quite fragile.
  • Children 6-17 should be accompanied by at least one adult for every five children. 
  • No food or drinks in the galleries.
  • Backpacks must be left at the front desk, worn in front, or carried at side. No large bags allowed in galleries.
Photography Policy:
  • Photography is allowed throughout the Museum; no flash, no tripods, no selfie sticks or professional photographic equipment allowed.
  • By joining us for FAMily Day, you consent to allowing Museum staff, Museum volunteers, or the press to photograph you and your minor children for promotional purposes.