We are open! Plan your visit Thursday to Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm

Bequests & Legacies

Bequests and Legacies

Please consider the Fresno Art Museum in your long-term planning. Planned gifts help us to meet immediate, as well as long-term goals. The Museum is also grateful to be named a beneficiary of a trust or will, or of a life insurance policy. Such charitable gifts are fully deductible by the donor’s estate.

To make or discuss your donation, please call 559-441-4221 x 103 or e-mail Michele Ellis Pracy, FAM Executive Director. 

The Fresno Art Museum’s EIN/Tax ID# is 94-1358318.
GuideStar, the oganization that rates non-profit organizations as to their transparency, rates FAM at the Platinum Level, the highest level, and awards us a Platinum Candid Seal, which we proudly display below.