FAM instructor:  Sanking Saephan
March 1-5, 2021, 3-4 pm and March 15-19, 2021

This class consists of five sessions that cover the basics of drawing the human face. It is appropriate for beginning art students, although knowledge of the formal elements of art is helpful, or as a refresher for the more experienced artist. 

The goal of this course is for students to leave with a better understanding and ability to draw the facial features and their placement on the head. Following the fourth session, students will be tasked with creating a portrait using the knowledge given; this can be from life or a photograph. In the fifth session, there will be a critique for these pieces. 

The five sessions are as follows:

Monday, March 1
Session One: 

You will gain general knowledge of proportions, head shape, and recognizing the head in space. This includes placement of the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and their relationships.

Tuesday, March 2
Session Two: 

Eyes. The basic structure and anatomy of the eye and its placement within the face.

Wednesday, March 3
Session Three: 

Nose. General anatomy and structure of the nose and most importantly its orientation within space. There will also be a focus on ear position and shape.

Thursday, March 4
Session Four: 

Mouth. General anatomy and structure of the mouth and its relationship to the chin and jaw. Students will also be tasked with creating a portrait for the following session. Students may work from a photograph of their choosing or using a mirror, create a self-portrait.

Friday, March 5
Session Five: 

Critique. Students will have an opportunity to display and discuss the portrait they created and learn how they can make improvements.

Art Supplies needed:

11" x 14" all media sketchbook (9" x 12" will also work)
several No. 2B pencils (other grade lead pencils optional)
pencil sharpener (just a simple inexpensive one will be fine)
kneaded and art gum eraser
vine charcoal, medium hardness (optional)

Also needed: a small mirror